
I am a heart-led guide, here in
service of liberation through the way of love.

Mentorship with me might be for you if:

You are in a personal healing process.
You keep wondering WTF is going on here?
You want to set your creative life on fire.
You feel like you might be losing your mind. 
You are being called to a new way of Being.
You feel stuck and are ready to ask for help.

I offer two types of 1-on-1 containers.

These containers are intended to help you step into your full alignment and highest possibility.

You can book a one-time Alchemy session for a deep-dive to catalyze the shifts you already know you’re ready to make, or if you’re interested in joining a longer container, please join the Earth School waitlist, as mentorships will only be available to those already doing the work within the community, for maximum impact.


Alchemy is a one-time 90-minute intensive designed to be the catalyst for your own growth and healing. Using my intuitive gifts, tools and guidance, you’ll walk away with new clarity and action steps to propel you forward on your path. Please fill out the inquiry form below and I will be in touch to schedule a session with you.


When you’re ready to understand your purpose, sacred mission and get clear about the next steps on your path, this 3-month container will support you in becoming who you want to be — because its who you already are. This offering is currently only for those planning to enroll in Earth School (launching September 2024).

Who am I as a mentor?

Having been through an intense process of spiritual awakening while also navigating a lifetime career in the arts, I’ve gathered many tools and techniques for supporting others to reach their highest creative and spiritual potential. My intuitive gifts have always been here, but were awakened fully with a series of spirit-led initiations from 2012 to 2021, and its now my greatest joy and honor to bring forward what I’ve learned.

I hold a container of universal acceptance and unconditional love that allows your nervous system to reset and begin the healing process.

My job is to listen. To listen deeply to you and to reflect your inner beauty.

My job is to facilitate. To facilitate your own transformation. I’ve been to the darkest parts of the shadow realms to learn how to alchemize our challenges into triumph. 

My job is to activate. To invite the breath of life to fully ignite the fire already burning within your sacred heart.

How does it work?

Alchemy sessions consist of 90-minutes of intensive focus for you to receive guidance with a specific issue or block on your path, to identify and move what is ready to shift. My longer mentorships will currently be offered only for those enrolled in Earth School (launching September 2024) and these containers consist of three months of intensive bi-weekly work. I draw upon my personal training in depth psychology and Jungian archetypes, healing work, creative tools, meditations, temple arts, your unique astrological chart and my craftsmanship as an artist to cultivate a program that is unique to you and your needs.

  • “When I first met Autumn, I was ready to die. But she gave me a second chance at life with a new path she offered called spiritual awakening. She led me through the hardest months I’ve had to endure — by looking within. But through the work she gave me, I earned back my freedom and love.”

    • Freddy O (musician & former military)

  • “The first time I connected with Autumn, I felt a kindred spirit. There was a light there that I had been searching for and I knew she was going to be the one to guide me on my journey to find it. I have learned so much about myself working with Autumn."

    • Amber P. (manager & photographer)

  • "Autumn's ability to hold a container of safety, trust and support in each coaching session has allowed me to be fully transparent. This in turn creates opportunities to gain new insight I have not achieved with other mentors."

    • John B. (executive coach)

  • "Autumn has been my guiding light through a profound phase of transformation in both my career and spiritual journey. She provides invaluable support with a listening ear and a helping hand, while making it clear that she's not here to carry your weight.”

    — Jenna H. | Actor

  • “Autumn Reeser entered my life during a time of profound need, and her guidance and wisdom played a pivotal role in my emergence from the darkest chapter I've ever experienced."

    — Dustin B. | Filmmaker, Host and Father

  • "Working with Autumn has led me on a daily journey of self-awareness and self-discovery... Autumn has been a true gift to my spirit."

    • Billy P. (athlete & philanthropist)